The SEI/Adj. Youth Program Administrators group includes individuals that supervise Emotionally Impaired and Adjudicated Youth programs across the state. The vast majority of members are principals/supervisors or staff of specialized schools or facilities offering special education programming, but membership is open to anyone who supervises Emotionally Impaired or Adjudicated Youth programs. Meetings are held the Tuesday of MAASE in Lansing during lunch. Meetings will also be held on the Monday’s prior to MAASE in December and April. The purpose of SEI/Adj.YouthPA is to support administrators in all areas of supervision including, but not limited to: State Rules/Regulation for Special Education and Adjudicated Youth, Instruction, Positive Behavior Supports, Transition, Staff Supervision and Professional Development. The SEI/Adj.Youth list serve provides an avenue for members to communicate, collaborate and problem solve at any time. Supports for adjudicated youth and emotionally impaired programs can be found on the MAASE website by going to the MAASE wiki page.
Key People:
- Kristi Bonter
Links and Resources